
まずはBirthday Party! 毎月、みんなで誕生日のお友達をお祝いをしています🎉今年度からは誕生月の子のお家の方を園にご招待して、一緒にBirthday Partyを楽しみます✨ その後はお家の方にイベントランチを試食していただきます。プレゼントは絵本とケーキのメダル🎂🏅💕
2つめのイベントは、5月に行うMAHOROBA MUSIC FESTIVALです!お家の方と一緒に、いろいろな楽器の生演奏を聴いて楽しみます🎶
Good morning! Today we would like to introduce two events: 🎂 Birthday Parties, and Mahoroba’s Music Festival ✨
From this year onwards, we would like to invite the parents of the child who is having a birthday, to come to Mahoroba to join us for the Birthday Party 🎉 Parents are invited to play with the children, and have lunch together after the party 🍽✨
The children will be presented with a birthday book and a medal🏅 as a birthday gift from the school 🎁✨
In May, we will be having Mahoroba’s Music Festival, parents are invited to join this event to enjoy musical performances with their children 🎶✨
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