こんにちは!登園時の子ども達の様子です✨「Good morning」の元気な挨拶と共に子ども達が登園。

こんにちは!登園時の子ども達の様子です✨「Good morning」の元気な挨拶と共に子ども達が登園。朝早く登園する子は、ゆり先生とベス先生の優しい笑顔とゆったりとした雰囲気で、安心感いっぱいの朝の時間を過ごします☺️🤲✨RabbitクラスとPonyクラスは、靴や靴下を自分の場所にしまったり、出席bookにシールを貼ったりと、出来る事を自分で行い、朝の準備をします🙌
Hello! Today we will share what happens during the children’s arrival every morning ✨ The children arrive with a cheerful greeting of “Good morning”! Children who attend early in the morning spend a peaceful time in the nursery with the gentle smiles of Yuri Sensei and Beth Sensei. ☺️🤲✨ Rabbit class and Pony class have their own shelves for their shoes and socks.
Pony Class children can prepare for the morning by themselves! They put a sticker in their attendance book, hang up their towel, and put away their things 🙌
In the morning reception, it is important to have warm greetings with a smile in order to begin the day happily✨
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